Narragansett$530718$ - translation to dutch
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Narragansett$530718$ - translation to dutch

Narragansett Pier Casino; The Towers, Narragansett; Narragansett Casino; Tower entrance to the Narragansett Casino

n. lid van Amerikaanse indianen van Rhode Island; taal gesproken door bevolking van Narraganset


(also Narraganset)
¦ noun (plural same or Narragansetts)
1. a member of an American Indian people originally of Rhode Island.
2. the extinct Algonquian language of the Narragansett.
the name in Narragansett, lit. 'people of the promontory'.


The Towers (Narragansett, Rhode Island)

The Towers is a historic structure located at 35 Ocean Road in Narragansett, Rhode Island. It is the only remnant of the Narragansett Pier Casino built in the 1880s. On November 25, 1969, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places.